Past & Present


I started my journey to the world of coding on June 2016. It was neither a easy nor was it fun. I would spend hours trying to bring the layout in my head to life. It was neither efficient nor quick. I did not know the basic foundations of coding. In fact, it was a lot like joining a swimming competition when I didn't know how to swim.

Come December 2016, my former friend Bryn allowed me to watch him code. It was a simple code but I at least knew then how it was supposed to look now. Did I flourish ever since then? God, no. It took multiple tries before I even got a layout I was at least contented with.

When I started to get the hang of it, I started to make more profiles just to have different variations and layout personalities. I had Nahia which was a cheerful A.I., Chocola--a playful neko, Vici--a vicious witch-dragon hybrid, and Wicked--a dark skinned blunette siren. These gave me a bit of confidence to offer my codes to other people.

Come January 2017, I put my codes up as well as accepted code requests--all for free. Were they the best? Nope! They were simplistic and as efficient as I could get at that point in time.


I stopped coding around March 2017 because personal life got in the way. I had things to take care of on a daily basis and I didn't want to give mediocre type codes to the people who entrusted me with their profiles--even though they were free. That went against why I started coding in the first place.

This pause from both RPC and coding went on for a long time. In fact, I didn't have any plans of going back. I already had my eyes on a different kind of language. By this piont in time, I was already helping manage a discord server that held a user base of more than 3k [12k as of April 2018]. Part of this server were custom bots. That was what caught my attention.

These particular bots were coded in JavaScript. Craving for new coding experiences, I started to learn that. It's harder than CSS and HTML mainly because it focuses more on commands than aesthetic but it was still the most fun I had in a while.

The only thing that made me come back to RPC was the announcement that it will be accepting JS. That piqued my interest enough to come back and try my hand at combining all the programming languages I've learned so far. That would've been my first time combining all of them together. I started off rough but learned to make them come together.

It was fun rediscovering what I loved about coding. My knowledge of jQuery is what also helped me make this full blown website.

Where I Stand

Right now, I am an Administrator of a community called Anti-Social Society on Discord, developer and Administrator of a Discord desktop app theme, as well as a profile maker for RPC profiles.

I don't plan to ever stop learning programming as a whole. There are constant changes to the languages for efficiency more than anything. These new knowledge all goes into making better products. That is one of my promises.