

All images accompanying the layouts portrayed in every layout are not mine nor do I own any of them. I do not lay any claim on them, only the layout itself.

The only things I may pipe up about are edited photos that are unlisted for the purpose of a specific profile-as they do take time to make. Should there be any complaints on the usage of the images, I am not to be held accountable as the people who ask me for layouts merely forward them to me.

Each profile-should they still be standing-will be linked along with the layout so original artists may contact them that way.

I am also aware of the fact that I copy and modify code snippets from codepen. I do not claim ownership to them--even in the copyright, it is stated that every code is a collaboration.

I would like to inform anyone who question that public pens in codepen are MIT licensced which states that "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software". So, by using and making profit off of my codes that contain these code snippets, I am not breaking any laws or stealing anything.

Terms of Service

Last Updated: April 23, 2018

Please read the Terms of Service and Use("Terms", "Terms of Service", "Terms of Use", "Terms of Service and Use") carefully before commissioning a code from Ellexide Codes solely operated by Elle ("I", "she", "her", "me", "my" or "myself").

Your access to and use of the Services("commissions", "requests") and/or Products ("codes", "layouts", "profiles") is conditioned on your acceptance and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users, and others who access or use my Services and/or Products.

By accessing or using the Services and/or Products you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access and/or use the Services and/or Products found in this blog until you have settled any grievances with Elle.


Any and all credit and/or copyright placed within the profiles are to remain in the profiles-whether they be hidden or embed in any part of the code and/or whether they may be in plain sight. The removal of the credit will result in mailed warning via RPC and/or Discord to return the credit where they were originally portrayed.

Credits and/or copyrights that are obscured will also be considered removal of credit. Refusal to return the credit the way it was intended would result in an automatic termination of your right to use the any and all codes found in this blog as well as a heads up to profile coders for your possible thievery.

Code Untouchability

If it is not obvious by now, codes are all moved into an external source and is set to be hard to read for a purpose. Most-if not all-codes are set so any form of inquiry, copying, studying, or edit that anyone wishes to do, they have to be redirected to me so I know who’s trying to do what with the codes that is being made by Ellexide Codes. If there is proof, whatsoever, of anyone trying to find the source of the code, taking any part of it-may it be the code or any other aspect of it that used up time and labor from Elle-without prior notice, they will be confronted.

This may sound strict, and Ellexide Codes apologizes, but this is something that is being copyrighted, paid for, and/or put effort into. These codes will be used for future reference as it is a way for me, Elle, to get a job into one of the companies I have been eyeing where I am or even be a way for me to do freelance. This is more of a plea than anything. Please if you want to see the root of my codes, take any part-no matter how small or insignificant it may seem-ask me first and I will give you as much of the code as I am comfortable with and even explain how it works if you wish.


Should there be any layouts that have bugs and fixes-free or commissioned-, users are free to contact Elle in all her available social media for an immediate fix so the user or customer will be satisfied with their personalized product.


Elle will be free to do base layout customization should the original code not fit the face claim the user intends but she is not obligated to help you customize your code. It is within her every right to refuse to customize your code for you as she already procured the majority of the code that you intend to use.

Anyone is allowed to customize as much of the code as they are able to--even if they are not within the pregiven customization levels. If you know what you're doing, go for it. Exercise your creative liberty.

Commissioned Codes

All commissioned codes are to remain under the property of Elle and the customer. Any other user-that is not the customer-who uses the code, in part or in whole, for themselves to use or derive from to make a new profile will be subject to the similar warning to termination process.

Commissioned codes will also be copyrighted. Therefore, refusal to take down profiles will be considered stealing intellectual property and I will not hesitate to take legal action against said user.

Should there be any major alteration to a commissioned code, they are highly encouraged to inform Elle about the changes and what aspects are changed. This is to check if your profile is still subjectable to the copyright claim or not.

Please do not use the commissioned code as a base code.

Act of Commissioning

Elle reserves all right to refuse a commission request. She need not explain her reason of refusal. Users who push and/or harass her for a product will be given a warning. if they continue, their right to use all products will be terminated.

Ellexide Codes gives no returns or refunds. All E.C. Products are postpaid, which means you only pay once you are satisfied.


Elle may terminate or suspend the right to use her Services and/or products immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms.

Continued usage of products or any form of bypassing the termination will result in a legal action against the user for stealing intellectual property after agreeing to the Terms of Service and Use.


Ellexide Codes will always welcome criticism, feedback, complaints from the users and customers of my products. Should there be any bugs, I will do my best to fix them as fast as I am able to procure a profile that the users will be proud of.

I also promise to continue learning the art of coding and building new aesthetics and design ideas to procure a variety of profiles that are not only effective but efficient as well.