Ellexide Codes

Being one who wishes to express a certain creative liberty as well as freedom to design the way I--or any of my works--am presented, I have opted to move out of any blogging website or "layout" type websites to completely code my own. This way, just by being in this website, you may know the different effects, and just how far I can go.~

Having a website of my own makes it easy for you to navigate as well as for me to arrange. I know there has been some fuss to know which codes are free and which aren't. Fear not! I am going to make it super easy for you to pick which is which now!

Announcement - June 13, 2018

Let's get another raffle rolling! Add me on Discord: Lil Monster#3557 and send me a screenshot of you and your pet cat/dog in Stardew Valley--if you play that game--with a blue chest on the right side of your stairs (So I know it's you and not a picture off of the interwebs >:c )!

You will get the chance to win a Tier 1 or Tier 2 profile--I'll do a random roll which one you get as well as a random roll for who wins. This raffle ends on July 1, 2018! Go, go, go!


My commissions are now back open! Please check out the gallery to see what kinds of layouts I have previously made. If you can observe, my codes more or less improve as time goes by [the very top being the latest] as I have promised to continue to learn programming to give you better outputs!

I would like to remind all of my patrons that I can most definitely improve a commissioned code. If it's a simple upgrade, I will do it for free but if it's a bit more complex, you simply need to pay a smaller fee based on the kind of improvement you want.

It's cheaper because I already have a base-code to work with and I wouldn't have to start from scratch~

P.S.: All announcements and updates will be posted on the homepage according to a timeline. If it get's lengthy, I might put up a blog page instead so you're not drowning! Tell me what you think~